Christianity is a Crutch.

I’ve heard the quote by Jessie Ventura (I think) that is supposed to be a slam on Christianity, “Religion is nothing but a crutch for the weak minded.”

Although I don’t agree with the “weak minded” bit, I think Jessie is right. That’s exactly what Christianity is. I can’t get to heaven on my own. I can’t live life successfully on my own. I can’t find God on my own. I need help – I need Jesus. I need a crutch.

Allen Hood took this to a more spiritual level when he said, “I want to know what its like to access power when I have no more.” That’s so good it could be a blog all its own:


3 Replies to “Christianity is a Crutch.”

  1. This is what recovery is all about. People need something to rely on so badly, we have invented an amazingly large amount of things to be addicted to! Step one is admitting our powerlessness. It’s not that certain people are weak, the Truth is that we are all weak. Denial is an addiction itself, probably the most powerful one there is. (So here comes my shameless plug….) If you are tired of living in denial and pretending you are alright, if you are tired of knowing that something has a grip on you and your life and you are ready to get out of your slavery to your addiction, if you are ready to get the Creator of the Universe in your corner and tap into the power He offers to face this life, then the place for you is Bridgeworks. We meet on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm at New Hope Christian Center in Waterloo. Contact the author of this blog for help getting there. We aren’t perfect, we won’t try to fix you, we are fellow former-slaves that can help you get liberty through Jesus Christ. Stop saying no to the little voice inside (that’s the Holy Spirit talking to you!) and find out what a true life of freedom is all about.

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